Monday, December 1, 2008

Trying this Gluten Free Thing

Today is the day!  We're changing our diet TODAY!  I started reading The Gluten Connection by Linda Segall this morning, and I am motivated to START.  Here are the reasons we're beginning this diet:

Isaac (7 years old) is tiny. He's small for his age and it's beginning to bother him. He's had a feeding tube in the past, and extra calories all through the night made no difference in his weight. I suspect he might have a gluten intolerance.

Noah (5 years old) has Reactive Attachment Disorder (adopted at 14.5 months), and also has lots of mood swings. He is also tiny for his age.  I'm hoping that avoiding gluten will help!!

Karry (35 years old), my husband, has psoriasis. I've read that it can be related to a gluten intolerance. We will see!

Brenda (me--31 years old)--I have lots of symptoms. My doctor has said maybe it's Lupus, maybe it's a thyroid problem, etc. Arthritis starting at 29 years old, acid reflux almost every night, moments of weakness & shakiness and decreased vision at the same time (my eyes feel weak), sometimes feeling like it's just too much to hold up my body--feeling like a rag doll. I have had numbness in my left arm a couple of times, numbness in my right thumb, and recently, numbness in my face. I have a weak immune system and seem to pick up every cold I am around. I get canker sores often, and sometimes all over the inside of my mouth.  Going gluten free will hopefully help me!  

We have two healthy, growing kiddos in the mix as well: Kaleb (6 years old in 2 days) and Ruby (almost 16 months). It certainly won't hurt them to eat this way. :)

Ready, set, here we go!! :)


Ginger said...

My mom has had numbness in her face for over a year now and the docs can't figure anything out - it was just suggested to her that she go gluten free. hmmmm... I just sent her a link here. Good Luck!!

(And here I am adding vital wheat gluten to my bread recipe to get it to rise better.) ah!

Our growing family said...

can't wait to see what you learn...we are both in new food adventures! How fun!


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